Countryside Night Walk and Galician Liquour experience

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Countryside Night Walk and Galician LiquourPorto

This is a nocturnal expedition along an ancient route, in Vila do Conde, by the Atlantic Ocean. In this land of indescribable charms, immerse yourself in this nocturnal adventure, and go and meet ancient legends and pagan mysticism, always guided by a Portgall experienced professional and the moonlight. We propose you join us for this night walk, to meet the only known Celtic traces in northern Portugal, which was once a population center of appreciable size, a place of considerable mystical and historical importance. A different adventure that allows you to gaze upon the peaceful sights and sounds of the Atlantic coast, in a path filled with animation and surprises. In the end, since we’re inside of this Celtic Castro, we’ll carry on with Galician mysticism and prepare a Queimada Galega, a Celtic pagan ritual which consists in preparing a typical alcoholic beverage in a cauldron on fire. Don’t miss it.

Duration: 3h00

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