Guimarães Historical and Religious Walking Tour experience

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Guimarães Historical and Religious Walking TourMinho

Enter Guimarães, declared a UNESCO World Heritage city in 2001, and delight yourself with the magnificent castle, the S. Miguel Church, the Palace of the Dukes of Bragança, the wonderful streets and squares of the city centre which will make you understand why this marvellous city is named the birthplace of the Portuguese nationality" or "the cradle city”. There is even a very famous sentence that you can read there: “Portugal was born here”. Explore the place where a nation began, find out how it grew and became the grand nation that some centuries later projected itself overseas and was determinant in the culture, heritage, architecture and society of so many other nations. Guimarães will be much more intense of an experience if you just take the time to look around, and feel the city deeply, going beyond the monuments you see. With the help of an expert in this area let us involve you in this magical search for the hidden and unknown signs of the identity behind the monuments, streets, squares and alleys. This is an immense city for those who are willing to explore it through the senses: listen to it, see it, smell it and touch it. Feel it. Appreciate this unmissable and unforgettable experience in everything it has to offer you.

Duration: 3h30

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Important information

- We recommend using suitable clothing and footwear for a walk under the foreseeable weather conditions.
- Please tell us in advance of any physical limitation that reduces your ability of movement or mobility.
- In order to guarantee this price for this experience, we need to ensure at least 5 people registered. For more information please check our terms and conditions.

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